Alphabetic Postal Code Search
This page is designed to help you find the Postal Code or Zip Code of a certain city. Select the first letter of the country you want to search the postal code or zip code. Then select the country and select the first letter of the city you want to find, the city and you will see all zip codes for this city.

Country Codes

Iran has the following ISO codes
  • Country ISO A2 code:IR
  • Country ISO A3 code:IRN
  • Country ISO number:364
  • Currency Code:IRR
  • Currency Code number:364
  • Calling Code:+98

Postal Code Search - Iran

Postal Code for Iran

Click on the city to list all of it's postal codes. Our records often include geographical coordinates of and it's corresponding postal code. In the result box below, you can find the postal code of and it's location on the map if we have the location information available. Every postal code is also located in a region or a district, in case we know the district or region of the city it will too be listed in the results. All kinds of additional information we have on may also be present such as geographical data, historical records or news about and in general.

Browse Post Code by Country

Browse cities in Iran
Gholāmān Gorgoz Gollī Gol Tappeh Gaz Gar Galūgāh
Goldasht Garāb Geleyeh Gūrī Gonjābād Golzār
Gīlāndeh Gonbad Gowg Tappeh Gajīn Gazanak Gowharān
Garow Gardangāh-e Qūchemī Gāv Savār Gīlān Deh Gamāsā Gūn Gowrmez
Gūsheh Golestāneh Galān Gāmāsb Galīrd Gavlān
Gheybī Garmūk Ghanīābād Ganjeh Gaz Galū
Gūrvān Gheyāşābād Gerdeh Rash Gāzerān Gondūz Gerdeh
Gochī Garāchqā Gowg Tappeh Khāleşeh Gordāysh Balūjābād Gandomkār Gesht
Gūrāb Zarmīkh Garmāb Gowrt Gorjī Mah̨alleh Gol Maghān Gayūy
Gotāb Gīyān Garjī Soflā Garmeh Jājrom Golestān Garmsār
Gachsārān Gotvand Gonābād Gīlāngharb Gāvbandī Gorgān
Gonbad-e-Kāvūs Golpāyegān Genāveh Germī Gīlān Garmbīt-e Bālā
Garūk Gūrdar Gūrnāgān Gīrān Gūrān Gezīr
Gerzeh Gerdū Garū Gorbah Dān Gevarzīn Gīāhdān
Gachūyeh Gowdū Gorāzū Gūrzāng Gachīn-e Bālā Gonak
Gūrband Gevīn Golmūrtī Galleh Dār Gerāsh Gīmān
Gelkūyeh Gol Berenjī Gharbī Golchāh Gonjān Ghowrī
Goshnekān Gūyom Goldasht-e 'Olyā Golbāf Garmābād Gach Garān
Geydārī Gūsheh Shāhzādeh Qāsem Golshan Ghazāvīyeh-ye Bozorg Gheyzānīyeh-ye Bozorg Gavar
Gāvmīshābād Gambū'eh-ye Bozorg Gobeyr-e Seh Gobeyr-e Yek Gargar Golgīr
Gūreyeh Gandomān Gahrū Gatvand Gūjān Gach Gorsā
Gāvmīr Golshahr Garmdarreh Geshnīzjān Gorgāb Gonahrān
Gandāb Gezīk Galdarreh Gonbad-e Pīr Moh̨ammad Gach Kūbān Gandomīneh
Gāyekān Gorjī Gūged Ganjīneh Gerīmenj Gheynar
Gol-e Zard-e Qal'eh Gāv Kosh-e 'Olyā Gīlān-e Gharb Gāv Sūr Gīlābād Gūr Sefīd
Gonbad-e Kabūd Gahvāreh Gāv Bandeh Garāvand Gowdīn Gheynarjeh
Gashānī Gel Sefīd Gondeh Jīn Ganj Tappeh Gerdakāneh-ye 'Olyā Gandāb-e 'Olyā
Gonbadān Gerdmīrān-e 'Olyā Gharqābād Galīn Gerīzeh Gūshkhānī
Gol 'Abbās Golsarā Garm Ābsard Goldasteh Gholām Veys Gūsh Lāghar
Golestānak Golāneh Gāvshaleh Garīneh Galīnak Gāvān Kolā
Gerd Rūdbār Gonbadlī Gāvān Āhangar Golmakān Gazgasak Gūy Āghāj
Gorjīābād Gālesh Pol Gallehdūn Govāreshk Gajvān Gūgjeh Qeyā
Gol Bestān Gel Mah̨alleh Gīlān Keshah Gerd Kashāneh Gāvmīsh Golī Gol Soleymānābād
Gūzan-e Fārs Gomishābād Gol Godaklū Garkorūd Galand
Gomīsh Tappeh Gerī Dovejī Gelāz Gūrābpas Gelsefīd Gūshlavandān
Gerdevān Gazkūh Gerdīk Gīlavān Gadamābād Gonbad-e Kāvūs
Gīgāsar Gūrāb-e Līshāvandān Gālīkash Gūrābsar Gīlvā Dashtān Gerīvān
Garkaz Galangadar Gūrābjīr Gūndūghdī Gowjāz Gīlchālān
Gūkjeh Gowrānsarāb Golī Dāgh Gol Ākher Gījow Gonbar
Gangachīn Gūgān Gomand Gīldīr Garm Cheshmeh Garūs
Garjān Garnāvīk Gīvarān Gendīshmīn Gūgerd Galehbān
Galīn Qayah Gūgtappeh Gūshlū